What is Skype™
Skype™ is a Microsoft software that allows people
to make video calls using a normal internet connection.
Skype™ is free and available for all the most
common operating systems (Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android) and is downloadable
for free from www.skype.com.
It is easy to install and can be used immediately.
All you need to use Skype™ for English lessons
is a computer or a tablet, preferably equipped with a webcam, so
you can view the teacher during the lessons.
If you don’t have a video camera or choose not
to use one, it is still possible to speak with the teacher and share
the lesson materials on the screen (texts, explanations, exercises
All information
regarding the installation and use of Skype™ is on
Skype™ is a trade mark of Skype (a Microsoft Division) and Helen Connolly is not affiliated,
sponsored, authorized or otherwise associated by/with the Skype group of companies.